Ale Cortina is an unsparing security guard and Gonzalo Garcia-Castro is an attentive detention supervisor in my 4th film Ask Delphi!
Since 2022, Ale has already appeared in a TV series, a theater production, a short film and numerous commercials. Residing in Miami, she is also an active student of improv and sketch comedy; in addition to acting. This is our first collaboration.
Gonzalo was born where Shakespeare spent most of his working life (London, England) and moved to Miami where he later seized the craft of acting and graduated with a BFA in theatre from Florida International University. Having appeared in locally-produced commercials, music videos, short films and plays, Gonzalo has also written, directed and performed in his own stage productions. This is our second collaboration.
There are plenty more actors to announce as I continue to assemble my largest feature film cast to date! So, keep us in your periphery!