On January 6, 2017, I published my first blog post (read here) a few months after setting up my website. And after approximately seven years, I've authored 200 of these posts! Serving primarily to document significant events and developments related to my filmmaking (and writing) career, I've also posted all manner of curious ephemera from my artistic journey. Now, on the occasion of arriving at a 200th blog post, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the past, present and future of my creative life:
Often times, when prompted to introduce myself, I'll mention the many short films I've made along with my feature films. But, in all honesty, the feature films I've produced are the works I am far, far more proud of. They represent the greatest commitments of time and energy I've ever given to narrative expression. But more personally significant, they are suffused with an exhilarating degree of formal experimentation and innovation not as present in the earlier, shorter works. Beyond that, the feature films have enabled over a hundred collaborations with the most remarkable talent and thrust me into a crucible pushing my organizational and leadership faculties to the limit! It is for these reasons I look back at the past six years (my debut feature entered production in 2018) with utmost fondness and satisfaction.
As of this blog post's publication, I am roughly halfway through production on my 4th film Ask Delphi! The production keeps me plenty occupied throughout the week or, at the very least, on my toes and exceptionally vigilant. The resulting footage and the edited results are extremely encouraging and I look forward to wrapping before the end of the year with considerable confidence. Intended as a "calling card" to prove myself worthy of a greater allowance of time and resources for future projects of potentially broader appeal and greater market penetration, I proceed with an abandon, focus and glee I'm more than used to; qualities I often feel are lacking in more conventional, regimented and caste film productions. Without hesitation, I look forward to each day of production or its planning with great joy!
Ah, the future. Best created than merely traveled. I must admit I have some rather grand designs I'd like realized. I will, of course, continue to plan and execute feature films indefinitely but I also have ideas for several new books (not all film-related), an itch to develop a new type of film script form and a plan to upend the film festival system. Most of these strivings are castles in the sky at the moment (particularly, that last one) but once I've completed Ask Delphi I will not be in want of activities to fill my time and give my undivided attention. Unfortunately, like any person, I am limited by mortality but I expect to have many more years ahead of me of fruitful creative activity. Hopefully, this blog persists so I can share my many expected adventures and possible successes…
Back in 2017, I introduced my inaugural blog post by characterizing myself as "a man equipped with little else than ideas, a word processor and a video camera." After seven years, that appraisal has certainly remained accurate and I expect it'll continue to be the case for as long as I can help it.
Thanks for reading, most valued visitor!
