The incredible cast of 'For My Sister'!
First row, left to right: Florencia Barletta, Chiara Michel, Yajhayra Maria, Mia Scornavacca, Adam Chefitz
Second row, left to right: JC Gutierrez, Lorean Mapp, Mireya Kilmon, Abigail Ebanks, Juan Pedro
Third row, left to right: Lauren Horgan, Natalie Ramirez, Stephanie Maltez, Cristina De Fatima, Summre Raimer
Fourth row, left to right: Jonathan Ramos, Leilani Torres, William Guevara, Ali Cruz, Andrew Garcia
Fifth row, left to right: Shawn Scarpitta, Juan Iglesias, Jaimi McPeek, Kevin Sage, Richard Bundy
I am unfathomably proud to announce that principal filming on my first feature-length film, For My Sister, is now officially complete!
My most heartfelt gratitude and thanks to the cast (pictured above) and *snickers* crew for this unforgettable 8-month-long journey! There's still some post-production work to be done but I cannot wait to share our creation with the world when the time comes!
Stay tuned for more updates (and far more expressed sentiment about this already extraordinary experience) as work on the film wraps up!